TVTimes Synopsis
“Gottfried is enraged at the trick the children have played on him. Simon, now at the station with Liz, is learning even more about the real purpose of the secret establishment and is able to help Frank complete a secret task for Commander Traynor.”
Cast & Crew
Cheryl Burfield (Liz Skinner)
Spencer Banks (Simon Randall)
Denis Quilley (Traynor)
Iris Russell (Jean Skinner)
Derek Benfield (Skinner)
John Alkin (Frank)
Sandor Eles (Gottfried)
Paul Humpoletz (Graz)
Hilary Minster (Fritz)
Royston Tickner (George Bradley)
Sally Templer (Sarah)
Written by Bruce Stewart
Script Editor Ruth Boswell
Scientific Advisor Geoffrey Hoyle
Designer Gerry Roberts
Producer John Cooper
(Director John Cooper: uncredited)
Original Broadcast
ATV Midlands – 17.15 Monday 19th October 1970
London – 17.15 Friday 23rd October 1970