“..today’s science fiction so often becomes tomorrow’s science fact…”
The Official Timeslip Website was launched in February, 2003 with a reunion party at the home of series’ creator and script editor, Ruth Boswell. Amongst the attendees were, Cheryl Burfield, Spencer Banks, Iris Russell, Derek Benfield, David Graham, Teresa & Lesley Scoble, Bruce Stewart, John Cooper and Ron Francis.
The website was the culmination of many months of work by Steve Hardy, Andrew-Mark Thompson and Paul Lacey. The site was officially sanctioned by Carlton (now ITV Global Entertainment) who even supplied the team with some rare photographs.
The website was a huge success from the outset and lead to a several fan-run events, the release of the series on DVD (twice – with the website team acting as consultants on both releases), the production of a mini-episode, featuring several of the original cast members and the production of ‘Behind the Barrier’, a feature-length documentary.
With the series reaching its half-century in 2020, and the release of new Timeslip stories from Big Finish – featuring Cheryl Burfield and Spencer Banks returning to their childhood roles – the series continues to be both relevant and popular.
This new website signposts Timeslip embarking on its trip into the future for its next half century. Who knows what the future holds!
You can get in touch with us here and join the official Facebook Group here.
See you on the other side of the time-barrier!
Steve, Andy and Peter